Ignazio Vinci is Professor of Urban planning at the University of Palermo, Department of Architecture. His research interests cover urban policy in Europe and Italy, urban regeneration and local development, strategic planning, innovation in planning and governance, mobility-led urban development. On these topics he has published around 160 scientific works, including books such as The Role of Sharing Mobility in Contemporary Cities. Legal, Social and Environmental Issues (Springer, 2020) and Urban Change and Regional Development at the Margins of Europe(Routledge, 2022). He served as consultant for international (EU, UN-Habitat), national (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Economy, Agency for Territorial Cohesion), and regional authorities in the design, implementation and evaluation of plans and programmes for territorial development. He’s currently principal investigator in the research project ‘Mapping the New Spatial Inequalities Within Southern European Cities’, involving six large European cities. Since 2021 he’s Vice-President of the European Urban Research Association (EURA).